Hosted / Cloud Telephony

Simply put, Hosted Telephony removes the need for a physical phone system and offers an alternative to purchasing and maintaining a telephone system within the office premises and consequently there is therefore no need for a large capital investment.Hosted telephony offers a fully managed service, with maintenance and software updates taking place automatically in remote secure data centres. Users are able to access the system through a standard IP handset, or a PC, or Mac based softphone, which provides enterprise grade functionality. Calls are made and received over a connection to the network (such as a broadband connection, or leased line), and from there they are routed via the telephone network to either a fixed line, or a mobile device.Hosted, or Cloud Telephony is being adopted by an increasing number of organisations as a means to refresh their communications technology and as a boost to competitiveness.

Centralised Telephone Servers

Aimed at companies with multiple locations, a single centralised telephone server offers both cost and deployment advantages along with ease of administration. You can choose to operate this from your own premise, or to take advantage of our approved data centre in order to provide a complete disaster recovery option.

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